Bogus Australian Post-Gun Ban Crime Info floating around the Internet and on Facebook

Stay curious. Challenge ‘facts‘. Ask for sources. The information floating around the internet about Australian crime statistics is more than BOGUS — they are a big fat lie.

Below is a very popular image floating around at moment, which I’ve marked as ‘BOGUS sez’.

BOGUS - Australian crime - with BOGUS label - 500w
Much like our own FBI and its Crimes Reporting System, the Australians have a very public crime tracking system. Australia also publishes its crime information, and provides historical data back to the early 1990s. Here is the most recent report: 2011 Crime Statistics for Australia.

Whereas the above bogus chart would have you believe that crime is rampantly growing, it just isn’t.

Below is a chart from the annual Australian crime stats report for murders — the short version: murders have fallen 10% just since 2006 and that is raw numbers. Overall murders on annual basis have dropped almost 25% since the late 1990s gun ban.

From page 16 of the 2011 Australian Crimes Statistics Report.

From page 16 of the 2011 Australian Crimes Statistics Report.

Australia did see an increase in violent crime during the 1990s which leveled off after 2001, with exception to a slight rise from 2005-2007.

This chart is from page 6 of the 2011 Australian Crime Statistics Report.

This chart is from page 6 of the 2011 Australian Crime Statistics Report.


As for firearms usage in crime or violence, the 2011 Report notes:

  • Over the past two decades, an average of 19 people per year have been killed by offenders using firearms.
  • The number of homicide victims killed by offenders using firearms decreased from 14 percent in 2008–09 to 13 percent of total homicides in 2009–10.
  • The proportion of homicide victims killed by offenders using firearms in 2009–10 represented a decrease of 18 percentage points from the peak of 31 percent in 1995–96 (the year in which the Port Arthur massacre occurred with the death of 35 people, which subsequently led to the introduction of stringent firearms legislation).

Stay curious. Challenge ‘facts‘. Ask for sources. The information floating around the internet about Australian crime statistics is more than BOGUS — they are a big fat lie.

And if you are really curious you can read the most recent Australian crime statistics for yourself — where all crimes are presented in raw numbers so you can actually calculate the statistics for yourself: : 2011 Crime Statistics for Australia.

One last note: if you hear about some letter from Australian policeman that is horrified at how crime has increased: read SNOPES for their factchecking of what appears to be another popular but generally bogus information concoction.

Full Disclosure: I am a gun owner, and an owner of a real assault weapon that comes complete with bayonet. I do not want my guns banned or regulated to the point that I can’t use them. However, it bothers me greatly that inventing reasons out of thin air to justify why we must protect our right to bear arms is also wrong. I tolerate bending facts well but BOGUS is bogus.


Filed under Bogus, International

21 responses to “Bogus Australian Post-Gun Ban Crime Info floating around the Internet and on Facebook

  1. Mike

    Actually this is a news report that you can watch right on youtube its called “watch what happens when guns are banned in Australia” and from my research is true.

    • Real facts have sources. They show the numbers. The sources allow people to do their own calculations.

      As my math teachers always said: Don’t show me the answer. Show me the math as to how you got your answer.

      The numbers in the graphic are bogus. The Australian government has published its raw numbers and provided a history of those numbers across the years.

      If there is disagreement then please show the math.

      • An

        What the Australian statistics show is that the removal of legal guns is neutral when it comes to crime, their numbers track EXACLTY like ours. There are more guns in the United states than ever, and the ratio of guns that are semi auto and or “assault weapons” here has really jumped and our murder rate and crime rate a dropped the same amount.

        Australian prison population has increased by 25% in the period since they banned guns, the imprisonment ratio O(another way of counting) has gone up 11%. putting all those criminals behind bars for longer reduced their murder rate

        I’d be interested in some federally funded (perhaps by a tax on criminal defendants) study of the impact of the fourth, fifth, sixth and eighth amendments on crime and unnecessary deaths. People on bail for crimes against persons are much much more likely to commit murder than the general public. If we are going to attack the constitution in the name of preventing crimes and death, let’s go after the whole thing.
        First amendment protection of religious freedom kill more American children than assault weapons each year (see estimates of deaths directly arising from circumcisions, as well as deaths from withholding of medical care against physicians advice by Christian scientist parents, etc)

  2. Mike

    I was just turning your attention to where the graphic came from. Did you happen to watch the video? The stats arent only on the video though there are alot of sites that show about the same thing I will post some on here in a little bit.

    • Have reviewed these links and many others. Almost all of these articles provide statistics without the first shred of discussing the raw numbers behind them, or they use numbers from the late 1990s … as if those numbers represent anything more than what Australian crime looked like immediately after the gun ban.

      The one statistic that I find to be a good illustration is from the article

    • Crime up Down Under
    • from WND that claims “In the Australian state of Victoria, gun homicides have climbed 300 percent” … but gives no idea as to what that means in raw numbers. The article was written in early 2000 and there was indeed a crime spike from 1998-2000. The Australians (and the chart that I published) document that crime spike. And then crime and murder started dropping. By 2003 the murder rate dropped below 300 people year and and has continued to drop ever since, and it the total number of murders in the entire country are now getting close to just 200.

      I am not arguing for a gun ban. I am a gun owner. I even own several of those dreaded assault weapons.

      What we need is a conversation based upon facts and not scary charts that represent no level of reality.